The position of the EAC Board and Management on an issue of professional incompatibility

​Regarding a media report, the EAC Board of Directors wishes to state the following:   


As everyone knows, the Members of all the Boards of Directors of Semi-Government Organisations are appointed by the Government. By law, within three months of taking public office, appointees are required to submit a declaration of professional incompatibility. It is understood that such declarations contain highly confidential personal data to which neither the Chairperson nor other Members have any access.


In accordance with the above, the EAC Board of Directors and Management had no access to, or knowledge of, the content of the declaration of incompatibility by a specific Member of the Board and, moreover, they have no authority to conduct any investigation or examination of their own.


On 6 February 2023, the Incompatibility Committee sent a confidential letter to the EAC Chairwoman, Despina Panayiotou Theodosiou, regarding the possible incompatibility of a Member of the Board, for a specific reason and with specific information – ownership of a Photovoltaic Park which had signed a contract with EAC – with the instruction to obtain further information and express a view on the matter. Having received the letter on 9 February 2023, the Chairwoman wrote to the General Manager of the Organisation and, in a letter dated 10 February 2023, asked for the requested investigation to be conducted in order to confirm the correctness of the information that she had received.


The General Manager responded to the EAC Chairwoman in a letter dated 13 February 2023 and, the following day, the Chairwoman forwarded the General Manager's reply to the Chairman of the Incompatibility Committee. It should be noted that, on 15 February 2023, the Chairwoman was informed by the Board Member in question that he had submitted his resignation.


The Chairwoman and the Members of the Board wish to clarify that they had no prior knowledge of any incompatible professional activities relating to this Member. Moreover, as soon as the EAC Chairwoman and Members of the Board were informed of the matter, an investigation was ordered and they responded immediately to the Incompatibility Committee.


The EAC Board acted properly in the context of its authority as determined by law. The specific matter comes under the jurisdiction of the Incompatibility Committee, which is accountable to the State.


EAC remains, as always, at the disposal of the Media for any necessary clarifications, so that information published about the Organisation is always well-founded.  




Press Office:  10 March 2023