The domestic use special tariff for specific categories of vulnerable customers with code 08 is applicable to customers who either themselves or other person with whom they live permanently, are included to each of the following categories of customers provided they are Cypriot citizens or citizens of any other Member Country of the European Union or the European Economic Area or citizens with equal rights to the above, who are legally residing in the areas controlled by the Republic of Cyprus:
Public Assistance recipients from the Social Welfare Services of the Deputy Ministry of Social Welfare
Beneficiaries of Guaranteed Minimum Income provided by the Welfare Benefits Administration Service of the Deputy Ministry of Social Welfare
Large families that receive Child Benefit from the Welfare Benefits Administration Service of the Deputy Ministry of Social Welfare for three or more dependent children
Beneficiaries of Severe Motor Disability Allowance from the Department for Social Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities of the Deputy Ministry of Social Welfare
Beneficiaries of Care Allowance for Paraplegic Persons from the Department for Social Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities of the Deputy Ministry of Social Welfare
Beneficiaries of Care Allowance for Quadriplegic Persons from the Department for Social Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities of the Deputy Ministry of Social Welfare
Beneficiaries of Mobility Allowance for hemodialysis patients from the Department for Social Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities of the Deputy Ministry of Social Welfare
Beneficiaries of Special Allowance for Blind Persons from the Department for Social Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities of the Deputy Ministry of Social Welfare
Beneficiaries of a Special Monthly Pension from the Patient Relief Fund, whose details will be provided on a continuous basis by the Committee for the Relief of Patients, which operates based on the provisions of the Relief of Patients Law No.114/1998 as amended from time to time or replaced
Patients undergoing peritoneal dialysis whose details will be provided by the Health Insurance Organization
People suffering from multiple sclerosis (ms) whose details will be provided by the Health Insurance Organization
People after heart transplant surgery whose details will be provided by the Health Insurance Organization
People with active Acromegaly whose details will be provided by the Health Insurance Organization
Patients with Cushing syndrome whose details will be provided by the Health Insurance Organization
People with Pheochromocytoma whose details will be provided by the Health Insurance Organization
People with autoimmune diabetic neuropathy whose details will be provided by the Health Insurance Organization
Patients with permanent tracheostomy whose details will be provided by the Health Insurance Organization
Patients with primary or metastatic Central Nervous System tumor (brain or spinal cord) whose details will be provided by the Health Insurance Organization.
In order to benefit from tariff with code 08 you must fiil out the following form and take it to one of our Customer Service Centers.
Application for Tariff 08