The Core Regulated Activity (CRA) of Generation is one of the that the EAC has incorporated with the aim of facilitating its operation while complying with the requirements of the Laws Regulating the Electricity Market of 2003 to 2015, CERA's Regulatory Decision 04/2014 and its letter to the EAC dated 14/11/2014 in which it refers to the decision to approve the fundamental principles of the Plan to Comply with Operational Unbundling, submitted to CERA on 24/10/2014.
Activities relating to Generation are carried out by the Generation Unit, which belongs to the EAC's Generation and Supply Business Unit.
The Generation Unit is responsible for:
The management of all works relating to power station construction, maintenance and operation.
Planning and development of the generation system.
Power station operation and maintenance.
Discovering and promoting new technologies, materials and maintenance and operational methods with the aim of improving efficiency and reducing costs.
The management of generated electricity with the objective of making optimum use of the power stations.
The production of electricity using renewable energy sources (RES).
Managing and maintaining the required level of fuel stocks.
Since Cyprus has no primary sources of energy, the Electricity Authority of Cyprus (EAC) depends entirely on imported fuel, mainly heavy fuel oil, for electricity generation. At present, the EAC owns and operates three Power Stations with a total installed capacity of 1478 MW as follows:
Vasilikos Power Station | |
3 x 130 MW Steam Units | 390 MW |
1 x 38 MW Open Cycle Gas Turbine | 38 MW |
| |
2 x 220 MW Combined Cycle Gas Turbine Units | 440 MW |
| |
Dhekelia Power Station | |
6 x 60 MW Steam Units | 360 MW |
2 x 50 MW Internal Combustion Units | 100 MW |
| |
Moni Power Station | |
4 x 37.5 MW Open Cycle Gas Turbines | 150 MW |
| |
Total Installed Capacity | 1478 MW |
Dhekelia Power Station
Located on the south-eastern coast of Cyprus, Dhekelia Power Station, with an installed capacity of 460 MW, generated 34,97% (1 557 984 MWh) of the total produced by the Authority's Power Stations in 2016, while during the same period it exported 34,91% (1 478 490 MWh) of the total exported by the three Power Stations.
The thermal efficiency of the Steam Turbines for Units generated was 29,71% while the corresponding thermal efficiency of the Internal Combustion Units was 41,58%.
Directive 2012/18/ΕU of the European Parliament and the Council of 4 July 2012 on the control of major-accident hazards involving dangerous substances amending and subsequently repealing Council Directive 96/82, requires that the operator (EAC – Dhekelia Power Station) produce a Safety Report. Dhekelia Power Station produced its Safety Report in accordance with the above European Directives in February 2016 (PDF).

Moni Power Station
The installed capacity of the Station was reduced to 150 MW (4 Gas Turbines Χ37.5 MW). It should be noted that, since14 October 2013, all the conventional 30 MW units using heavy fuel oil oil have been withdrawn from service..
Moni Power Station generated 0,53% ( 23 658 MWh) of the total produced by the Authority's Power Stations in 2016, while during the same period it exported 0,54% ( 22 763 MWh) of the total exported by the three Power Stations. .
The thermal efficiency of the Gas Turbines for units generated was 24,33 %.

Vasilikos Power Station
Vasilikos Power Station is the biggest infrastructure project ever carried out in Cyprus. Its importance is closely linked to the country's broader economic growth.
It is an advanced technology power station consisting of:
- Three conventional generation units, each with a generating capacity of 130 MW, fuelled by heavy fuel oil. One of the units has been fitted with a desulphurization system to reduce reduntant Sulphur dioxide emissions below the levels set by the European Large Combustion Plant Directive.
- One 38 MW Gas Turbine fuelled by diesel oil.
- Two Combined Cycle Gas Turbine units, each with a capacity of 220 MW, fuelled by diesel oil and with the potential to be adapted to use natural gas for fuel.

On 11 July 2011, following an explosion at the Mari naval base, Vasilikos Power Station, which lies adjacent to the naval base, suffered heavy damage that brought its operations to a complete standstill. The power station has since been repaired and is fully operational once more.
In 2016, Vasilikos Power Station generated 64,50% ( 2 873 548 MWh) of the total produced by the Authority's Power Stations while during the same period it exported 64,55% ( 2 733 360 MWh) of the total exported by the three Power Stations.
The thermal efficiency for units generated of the three conventional units was 38,08%, while that of Combined Cycle No. 4 was 45,14%, and of Combined Cycle No. 5 46,21%.
Directive 2012/18/ΕU of the European Parliament and the Council of 4 July 2012 on the control of major-accident hazards involving dangerous substances amending and subsequently repealing Council Directive 96/82, requires that the operator (EAC – Vasilikos Power Station) produce a Safety Report. Vasilikos Power Station produced its Safety Report in accordance with the above European Directives in 2008-2009. It was completely revised in 2013-2014.
Vasilikos Power Station's Major Accident Prevention Policy Manual presents the commitment of the Electricity Authority of Cyprus to the prevention of major accidents and the limiting of their impact, so as to ensure a high level of protection for human life and the environment.